Monday, December 30, 2013


Quite a few photos made it to the products page of Drevena Helena // Wooden Helen.

Shot in early November 2013.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Nový kalendár je tu!

Možnosti a vlastnosti: nástenný alebo stolný, v slovenčine, s vyznačenými slovenskými sviatkami. Formát A5, fajnová tlač na pevnejší matný papier, velkosť fotiek približne 10 x 15 cm. Cena: 12 E. Všetky obrázky sú fotené na film a neboli digitálne upravované.

Väčšie previews tu:


Calendar for the upcoming year!

Mail me to when interested in EN version (but that’s little chance).


Old one which I am sure of posting repetitively.

Baltic states, 2011

Friday, December 6, 2013


Ugly but working.

May 2013












Lebo cestujeme vlakom aby sme cestovali vlakom.

(Because we travel by train so we can travel by train.)

June 2013


Sometimes it works.

Slide film from summer.

Shooting of an editorial for Festive collection by me&m, with photographer Katarína Kri, styling by Paulina Vinter, make-up & hair Kristina Banasova, models Aneta & Barbora.

Friday, November 22, 2013

musis sa hanbit dam ti dar aby som ta zahanbila


Monday, November 11, 2013

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Sunday, November 3, 2013

uppercase a červený font
v mailovej komunikácii vedeckých pracovníkov
vie vyvolať jedine nefunkčný autokláv

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

I prey on human interaction, on sharing stories, on exchanging meaningful information, perceiving stimuli in the same manner - I am truly an oxytocin addict.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


In this work I focused on inner emotional world as kind of reflection of real life with highlighted significant experiences, which brings new period into life. I am also interested in kind of „memory sediment“- nothing can be forgotten, or declined, every experience has been frozen in memory and forms or deforms human mind.

In metaphorical expression shown in installation, I show time passing and life periods changing as the bathroom chain, where separate elements follow each other and create a continuous line. Sound record of water flowing through shower also symbolizes time passing and makes scene more powerful.

The vertical position of the chain symbolizes flow which involves the tear-like shaped elements, which indicates the presence of negative emotions but also the flow direction and ultimateness of life experiences, their indelibility from memory. Visual aspect of the work is supplemented by record of water flowing in shower, which refers to the intimacy of the mind and the integrity of the inner world and uncompromisingly running time as well.