Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Air sampling results. Bathroom, left open for about 2 hours.
The medium has already dried and even started to evaporate (that causes the dendritic-like pattern).
At least 5 types of fungus and 1 bacteria (the little colony on the right).
Want to try something like this at home? See some media recipes & howto’s here or here. And don’t worry, you won’t ever get clear air sampling plate - the spores are everywhere.
Hot November.
It’s kinda hard to find any decent ‘sweatpants’ for both cycling and casual wear, so I wouldn’t have to carry ordinary trousers in backpack. (something like this!)
Monday, November 8, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Accidentally, this is the same guy that made the decorated wall in J&T Banka Café (RiverPark), I wanted to find out more about.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Nothing special, but I kinda enjoy vast spaces covered with unbridled weeds, that copy the surface underneath, creating hills tempting you to lay down. (this is it)
Topped with light.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Kliešte, lymská borelióza a kliešťová encefalitída
Ak by náhodou niekoho zaujímalo trocha bubu-bu o kliešťoch, hlavne čo sa týka nakazenosti kliešťov a rizika.
Ach tieto referáty do šuplíka.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Európske dni vtáctva // EuroBirdwatch 2010
HRUŠOVSKÁ ZDRŽ 2. október 2010
Pozorovanie vodného vtáctva na jednom z najväčších stredoeurópskych zimovísk vodného vtáctva. Predpokladáme pozorovanie aj vzácnejších severských druhov vtáctva. Stretnutie 8:50 pod Novým mostom na nástupišti
autobusu č. 91.
Bohužiaľ všetky podujatia sú rozptýlené po Slovensku.
Celý program tu [pdf].
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Názov: Dinosaurológia
Cieľ predmetu:
Svet dinosaurov; ich pôvod, vývoj a príčiny vyhynutia. Definovanie hlavných skupín plazopanvých a vtákopanvých dinosaurov; charakteristika najdôležitejších rodov, resp. druhov. História výskumu. “Staré” poznatky verzus najnovšie výsledky výskumov. Paleoekológia, paleoetológia, paleobiogeografia; biostratigrafický význam. Najznámejšie svetové náleziska dinosaurov. Problematika dinosaury - vtáky.
!!! letný semester !!! vrámci odboru Paleontológia :)
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Shooting on the street is so disappointing around here - because of the cars parking everywhere on the side-ways. Cars have penetrated the insides of every quarter, so finding a nice street view is nearly impossible.
Fortunately, parts of Karlova Ves were saved from such fate - the original urban scheme just doesn’t allow for roads, the houses enclose small parks and playgrounds.
(old winter shot - 28th February 2009)